Thursday, July 31, 2008

Summer doesn't last forever...

I've decided I'm going to take a break from blogging for the rest of the summer.  Time to do some reading, relaxing and riding; catch some rays and hopefully spend a little time in places like this!

Have a great summer and I'll talk to you in September.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

...across the room for two year olds....

Grandparenting brings me back to my days of raising two bright energetic youngsters who drained me dry, ran me ragged, brought me to my knees, infused my very being with love and joy beyond measure, and taught me more about love than any book ever could.  
Going back there, I don't know that there were any years more frustrating than those terrible two's!  It's like having a multiple personality being in your home.  Sweet as sugar most of the time and completely and utterly unreasonable and unconsolable the rest of the time.  And why do they have no trouble understanding what no means when they use the word and yet seem to be mentally incapable of comprehending what it means from the next person!  This was the predicament at the dinner table last night.  We both knew she was hungry.  She begged for food while I was cooking.  I knew she liked what I made.  For some reason she got messed up in her head and had the idea that dessert ought to be the first course.  I won't divulge what transpired for the next 1 1/2 hours but will tell you that ninety minutes later I held her like a baby, with one arm behind me (her arm, that is) and fed her.  She ate most of what was on her plate.  
This child tried everything to get me to do what she wanted me to do.  Anger expressed in various ways, regret expressed through "I so sorry Nana" and reaching for me, mournful yet forceful sobbing into her hands with her elbows on the table (this was heart wrenching to watch!!... and almost did me in!) and a few other tricks that didn't work on me either.  It reminded me that a two year old is a control freak and MUST NOT win this battle.  She had no idea that I have many more years of stubbornness on her and recognize the games.  Hard to believe that a little person like this can even come up with all the tactics.  Food and bodily functions are the two control issues that I think most children will use against their parents for as long as possible.  No wonder the potty training and introducing all the food groups are so frustrating for most parents. 
Breakfast and lunch today were calm and serene.  She gobbled down her food and gladly went down for her nap.  She really is the sweetest little thing in the world and happens to find herself at that very tough age of life!  I am confident her parents are also well aware of the two year old tactics, have experienced many episodes and are in control of the situation.  I had forgotten just how intense things can get until she jarred my memory!!
The life of a seven year old is certainly more calm than a two year old.  He understands rules (we only had was enough) and once he decides to comply life is pretty easy and enjoyable.  He did make a comment to me that brought back memories of his Mom who was much older than he is when she said the very same thing to me in almost the same words!!...."I want to make my own rules!"  (incidentally, Mommy, I suggested he speak to you in depth about that!!  Ha!)
We take them back home with mixed feelings but it is always good to know they are intensely loved, taken care of and blessed with their Mommy and Daddy who are anxiously waiting for them at home!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

...across the room to let you know "they're back"!!

....the grandbabies, that is!  The two hour ride seemed shorter than usual and definitely more entertaining than my CD's.  I love to look at my surroundings through the eyes of a two year old.  The conversation went something like this:
Rowan:  Oh look Nana.  It's a choo-choo!  
Nana:  Yes, Rowan I see the choo-choo.
Rowan:  Oh no Nana.  Where da choo-choo go?
Nana:  The choo-choo went away.
Rowan:  Oh look Nana.  It's a twee!
Nana:  Yes, Rowan, there's a tree.
Rowan:  Oh no Nana.  Where da twee go?
Nana:  The tree is behind us.
Rowan:  Oh look Nana.  It's a big twuck!
Nana:  Yes, Rowan, I see the big twuck, er, truck.
Rowan:  OH NO Nana, where da twuck go?
Nana:  The truck is going bye-bye.
Rowan looking out at a huge wheat field:  Oh look Nana.  Sticks!
....and on and on and on.....

She is at this moment safely tucked in bed while her "big" brother gets to stay up later and chat!

Friday, July 18, 2008

...across the room to speak up!

Sometimes I feel so strongly about something I just HAVE to do something about it.  I feel that if I'm quiet and don't say anything or do anything then I have failed in some way...either myself, a friend, a group,  and in this case, my country and future generations.
I did my part to send letters of concern to government officials regarding the Morgentaler appointment to the Order of Canada.  Today I received my second reply.  Today I CALLED Rideau Hall to speak to Right Honourable Michaelle Jean, Governor of Canada and got a recording so I left my message on her recorder!!  
I believe there are MANY men and women in our country who have done us ALL proud that deserve this medal and I asked her to choose someone we could ALL be proud of.  I think there is enough division in our country without doing something so inconsiderate of so many Canadians!
Besides, REAL doctors HEAL, they do not kill. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

...across the room to reveal myself.....

OK!  I've been tagged by Stacey to divulge six unimportant facts about myself so here goes.....

1.  I'm a bit of a "closet actress".  The last few years I've discovered I quite like an audience when I can 'hide behind a character'.  It is a refreshing change from the speaking that I've done for a number of years where I tend to feel like I'm forever baring my soul!

2.  One of my very favourite foods to eat is a bologna sandwich with French's mustard on that gooey soft sliced white bread that is supposedly so bad for us.  YUMMY!

3.  I could feel fully dressed as long as I'm wearing perfume!

4.  Memorization is the same as torture for me.

5.  I'm not really violent but when I was in grade six I beat up a girl.  It's the only time I've ever done something like that.  Can't remember ever telling her I was sorry.  We were friends after that though so I assume it's OK.

6.  My collection of salt and pepper shakers some of you contributed to is in boxes somewhere in our house.  

Saturday, July 12, 2008

...across the room over and over again #2.....

         ...FRIDAY turned out to be another activity
filled day  trying to keep the two little rascals from getting bored.

Thankfully Papa was home to help relieve the boredom. Morning and evening motorbike rides for Papa and Declan were included in our busy agenda. Meanwhile the women had some shopping to do.  Miss Rowan was a trooper as I dragged her from store to store until she yawned and informed me "I'm tired.  I want to nap!"  What two year old says THAT?!

After lunch (complete with many candle lighting ceremonies again) and a nap,   everyone agreed a trip to the park was in order.  Going to the park is a piece of cake when the Papa is present to do the running after the two year old!! 
Later, bath time was so much more fun with some new Dora and Diego bath toys and everyone was ready for a good night's sleep. 
The pace in our home Saturday mornings tends to be slow and relaxing.  Compare that to trying to cook bacon, scrambled eggs, toast, coffee, hot chocolate, clearing the toys off the table, trying to look modest in a robe that keeps rearranging itself,  to chants like "I hungwee!", "Juice?", "Nana, is it ready yet?  I'm starving!"  "My tummy hurts!"  "I POOPED!" and others I can't remember!  Meanwhile Papa is tearing around the house after the two year old who continually teases him with "Papa, you gotta GET me!"

After breakfast and staggered showers for the adults in order to provide police presence for our energetic inquisitive house guests it was time to pack the bags for the trip back home.  For some reason there was more to pack for the return trip.  Could it have anything to do with the women's shopping spree?!  I didn't mention that during nap time the little man and I enjoyed another shopping spree!  It's all about equality and keeping everything fair!

It felt a little sad to drop them off at their home and oddly enough we don't seem to be in any great hurry to tidy up the house yet.  It just looks like somebody REALLY lives here!!


Thursday, July 10, 2008

....across the room over and over and over and over...

Our quiet, peaceful, relatively neat retreat has recently become a den of music, Ratatouille replays, squeals and shrieks of laughter, tea parties, ping pong games and bed time routine revamping!  Our refrigerator  is bulging with chocolate puddings, apple juice, cheese, M & M's, cookies and other delectables people our age should be ashamed to have in the house.   I don't even want to talk about what lurks in the pantry!  They like candles even more than we do....especially extinguishing them!  I probably lit the kitchen table candles ten times during our last meal.  Declan is a pro at roasting wieners with Papa; Rowan's idea of hot dogs is to eat the bun around the wiener  corn on the cob style until all that's left is the whole wiener!  I'm to eat that part!  She has no ice cream cone issues though.  My apologies to her Mom for not wiping the ketchup off her face before taking pictures!  
My days seem to have so many more hours in them now.  We were up and about by 6:20 AM, made Papa's bag lunch, ate breakfast, and dressed for our 7:45 AM walk in the park with my friends. Normally I grab my running shoes and socks (or one shoe and two socks, or two shoes and one sock...the other sock is often on the driveway when I get back home!) and dash out the door to meet my friends.  Today we transferred the car seats from the car to the truck, put the stroller on the box, made six trips back and forth from the house to the truck, from the car to the truck, from the garage to the truck, from the shed to the truck before we finally got going. Our walk was delayed by wrist protectors, knee protectors, elbow protectors, helmet, and roller blades which my friend patiently helped the little man with.  Suffice it to say the walk seemed so much longer than our usual hour.  We came home, packed a picnic lunch and made our way to another city park.  (Note to self:  Do not spread picnic lunch for two year old in plain sight of playground EVER!)  Two hours of lunch and running back and forth to catch Rowan coming down the slide and pushing Declan on the swings, running after Rowan from station to station, I was about ready to convulse!  We maneuvered out of our parking spot with much unsolicited advice, ducking and sucking in of breath by a seven year old who thought we would fall into the woods with the back end of the truck!  It caused a set back for me and brought on a case of hot flashes I have not experienced before!  Thank the Lord for nap times.  I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer and I needed an energy infusion.  Unfortunately seven year olds don't nap, and don't realize naps in four minute intervals are mostly disturbing.  I love bath time.  I make sure the two little rascals are safely tucked into their beds, fast asleep before I slip into my big soaker tub for a good long muscle relaxing soak (reminder:  add epsom salts next time!).          

Monday, July 7, 2008

...across the room to celebrate again....


                                                       *Birthday  & Anniversary

          I've been trying to post a picture of us at the Spa this weekend and for some reason it will not work for me.  We spent from Friday to Sunday at the Spa and had the most relaxing weekend ever!  My BP reading was extra low when we arrived back home! The weekend get away was for our anniversary and the spa treatments were my birthday present from my hubby.  All I can say is BLISS!!
For most of the time we have lived in Alberta my birthday celebrations usually last at least one week.  This picture is a few of my biking friends and I on a birthday lunch ride.  My good friend Renita who is a "pre-rider!" (meaning, of course she will have her own bike eventually!) honored me by allowing me to give her a ride on my bike!  Later this week another friend and I are going for pedicures for our birthdays and then I think I'm all done celebrating!   My body cannot handle any more desserts!!
Thank you to all my family and friends who helped me celebrate another great year.  I am truly blessed!

...across the room to celebrate....

*Canada Day!  Canada...our HOME land.  Whenever we leave our Country for awhile I enjoy my time away but I have to say that when I cross back into Canada I feel a sense of relief, rest, and safety as I immerse myself in familiar territory once again.  Canada is home to me and I love living here.  We are so blessed to live with all the freedoms of this country.  God keep our land, glorious and FREE!  
We celebrated with family this year as we enjoyed a fabulous dinner out on a restaurant patio and then joined many of our city folk to watch the fireworks.  It felt much like a great big family gathering and it was a very special day.