Tuesday, June 3, 2014

My new vine surprised me by blooming right after I planted it!
Jesus had a past.

(oh, and this picture has nothing to do with this post….I just love this new plant in my garden!)

I have never thought long and hard about Jesus' humanity.  Most have heard the story from the Bible about the birth of Jesus…the MESSIAH…the PROMISED ONE…GOD'S SON….GOD IN THE FLESH.  Growing up I heard that every Christmas and then I heard about the ministry of Jesus the rest of the year.  I don't remember anyone teaching me about what Jesus the baby, toddler, child, teenager might have been like.  It almost seems sacriligious to talk about Jesus needing his diaper changed, having his knees roughed up by repeatedly tripping over his own feet, having all the same feelings and issues of all other teenagers.  Sexual urges even!  After all He is God!  

The fact remains though that Jesus left heaven for earth and in essence that was God coming to meet us where we are at.   As Creator of all that is, He could certainly have come as royalty, a king and a ruler,  however, He came in a way that we could understand.  A baby born in the usual way, needing to be wiped and cleaned, screaming to get the air into His lungs….helpless, in need of love, care, provision and protection from His parents!  Jesus was a toddler, a child and a teenager and all that goes with that. He worked along side His father, learning the carpentry trade and he was taught their way of life and beliefs, especially as the first born son in the family.  He increased in wisdom throughout His growing up years.  His family most likely did some planting, sowing and reaping in order to put food on the table so he probably knew about that too.  Living and growing up in Nazareth He knew about poverty, hardship, and family that stuck together through hard times.  He observed family and friend marriages and enjoyed friendships and he experienced the human condition through physical realities as well as emotions.  He got tired, hungry and thirsty and He cried.  Jesus was not God playacting.

His past fashioned Him into the instrument God needed for the salvation of the world!

Does this grab you?  Do you want to know more?  Read your Bible.  That's what I do.  There are also some other great books written by people who have done much research and I try hard to be selective about which of those books I read, making sure they do not disagree with the Bible.  Much of what I have just written in this blog comes from a book I am currently reading.  Although I do not agree with all his interpretations of Scripture I am thoroughly enjoying some new ideas and thoughts and have in some of the above written almost word for word what he says.  The book is called JESUS A PILGRIMAGE by James Martin, SJ.    It's the account of his journey to get to know Jesus better and I highly recommend it!

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