Friday, April 15, 2011

..across the room to get back to the basics...

After spending some time at my daughter's house recently looking after her family while she was away I came home to make some changes in my laundry room. She does her laundry in her basement in a room that is home to the washer, dryer, furnace and a whole lot of "stuff"! Doesn't seem like a place you would want to spend much time? Every time I went to add another load to the washer I wondered what it was about that room that was so pleasant! I think the answer is that first of all I enjoyed being in her surroundings and thinking about her as I did some of the work she normally does while looking after three children at the same time managing everything else on her agenda. Secondly, there's a window above the appliances letting in natural light...always a good thing. Then there was that clothesline that is actually somewhat in the way and yet so handy (can you tell I don't have one of those!). I used it all the time! I do think that what was most unique and what beckoned me all the time (other than trying to keep a handle on all that laundry!) was the tray on her dryer that housed a quart jar of home made laundry detergent, spray 'n wash, and a container of vinegar! I think I did some laundry almost every day! It smelled so fresh and lemony!
When I came home I kept thinking about that tray and today I created my own tray. I liked the fact that my daughter used whatever containers she had around the house and I wanted to do the same thing. These are all items I already had that were not being used other than those lovely glamour gloves you see in the picture!
I also used a quart jar for my detergent, an old oil and vinegar set for my liquid Oxyclean to add to my white's, and Vinegar for rinsing. The blue spray bottle is my Spray 'n Wash and the tray was one I had in the junk cupboard in the basement!
Making your own laundry detergent, using vinegar as a rinse agent and having everything on a tray at your fingertips will find you wishing it was laundry day!! Oh, and the glamour gloves just BEG to be used!!
Thanks darling daughter of mine for the inspiration!!
Guess what I'm doing right now?!


Renita said...

OK.....the homemade laundry detergent and vinegar rinse intrigue me! What is the detergent made out of and how much do you use? AND how much vinegar per load as the softener? I dislike the smells of all the softeners out on the market!!!

This reminds me of swapping recipes BUT we don't get to eat the product! : D

Elayne said...

I don't know where this recipe came from but I got it from my daughter. She grates one bar of Sunlight Soap (you can use a bar of any pure soap) and mixes it with one cup borax, 1 cup washing soda. The oxyclean is optional. Mine is liquid so I squirted some into a load of whites.

I used about a coffee scoop of detergent for a medium load and approx. 1/4 cu. vinegar for the rinse. I'm still experimenting with amounts. My whites were really nice and clean though!

PS..that Sunlight soap smells so lovely you could try eating it! LOL!

Jobina said...

aw Mom, you make me smile! That you would enjoy doing laundry in my mess of a laundry/storage room is beyond me, but you're right, the homemade laundry soap makes it fun. I love your bottles and jars in your little tray, too cute! Enjoy every load!