Thursday, May 14, 2009

...across the room to walk.....

SHOES!  Have you tried buying a good pair of shoes lately?  I have wasted so much money on shoes in my life time it's downright shameful!  Been there, done that, when it comes to high heels and pointy toes and trying to fool people into believing "they're so COMFORTABLE I could shop in them all day"!  Let's face it.  Forcing your feet into a shoe shaped anything other than your foot is not comfortable and I have been the queen of uncomfortable shoes for many years.  I remember a few years ago being given a beautiful pair of black, pink and white heels by a friend who was moving away.  They looked great on my feet and with one particular outfit I had.  I was speaking to a group of women one day and decided to wear those very high heels with my special outfit.  Before I got up to speak they had a podiatrist do a presentation.  As soon as they introduced him as a podiatrist I felt uncomfortable and just automatically tucked my feet under my chair.  Fortunately he had to leave the group as soon as he was done.  I teetered up the steps to the podium in my very high heels and told my audience "I NEVER wear shoes like this and I can't believe that today of ALL DAYS I would have to choose these horrible shoes to wear!".... followed by "But are they not perfect for this outfit?" to which I received a standing ovation!!
So now I'm at the point in my life where comfort has become more important that style.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm all over fashion and style but just not at the expense of my feet anymore.   That is not to say I will never wear those stupid pointy shoes just because they look better with my outfit but hopefully I will do it less than I used to.  
I've been searching for a good walking shoe for a long time and since recently I noticed that my shins were hurting all the time I was forced to get out there and make a decision.  It's astounding to me that shoes in the $150 - $175 price range still have very little cushioning for the feet.  I tried several pair and found nothing satisfying.  Then I spotted some rather ugly shoes in a separate area in the store.  My attention was drawn to the shape of the soles.  They didn't look like they'ld be easy to walk in but when I tried them on I felt like I was walking on a trampoline.  I wanted to jump.  I actually DID jump a little....something the sales clerk found rather amusing!  They were pricey but I couldn't justify spending $175 on the best pair I had found before I spotted the STRETCH WALKER by Xsensible.  They claim it's probably the most comfortable walking shoe on the planet.  I hope so because at $230 a pop (and I usually buy a new pair of walking shoes every year) they better keep my feet happy for a long time!
If my camera battery was charged I would show a picture of my black and silver Stretch Walkers but you'll just have to take my word for it that they were the cutest of all the ugly shoes in that grouping!


Anonymous said...

Your new shoes are VERY stylish and not ugly at all! Your write-up is hilarious! I think ALL women have "been there and done that". Now I simply don't even entertain shoes if they aren't immediately comfortable IN THE STORE! To heck with hearing the clerk tell me that "they will stretch out because they are all leather" or "right now your feet are simply just puffy from all your shopping walking" etc. etc. It's really liberating when you actually use your own brain!!

Happy walking Elayne!


Elayne said...

Well thank you Renita! I know what you mean about the clerks and the shoes that'll eventually stretch. What they fail to tell you is that by the time they are comfortable you'll either have developed hammer toes or bunions or both not to mention the calluses!
Here's to HAPPY FEET!!